♥ 11:16 PM
"making things feel way too tragic":D Haven't been here in quite awhile.
Its HELMSMAN which means SLACK, but not really D:
There's tonnes of work. And I'm EXHAUSTED for some reason.
Aye, oh wells, at least can rest for a bit.
Let's just hope it doesn't spiral back into that deep black hole where we just got out of. How do things that are on the outskirts and barely in our lives affect us?
Tell me if you find out, I'd like to know too!
TRAINING TOMORROW. Hohoho, mixed feelings x1millioninfinity.
(I hope it works well,
for the world to see
♥ 11:16 PM
"you're gonna burn the city down right now"
New week coming up ahead!
Everything's gonna be mighty fine.
Rainbows are only formed after the rain. And without the rain there's no rainbow. So we need to suffer just sometimes to enjoy the true beauty of whatever's coming. And even the sour(skittles) can make something so pretty. What not neutral people? Positivity!
'Positive charges can't be gained or loss, its how much negativity that causes a difference.'
Its gonna be a great week, and I'm gonna do my best.
I know I can :D
Good luck to everyone, we'll make it through this hectic week!
for the world to see
♥ 10:35 PM
"your heart on your sleeve"I need sleep.
So ultra exhausted. I'm damn drained and and and. Given up.
I don't understand, but you know what. I don't need to.
4 letters of a very interesting word look very very appealing to me.
Its been an okay friday.
I need to sleep & I need a nice long holiday.
But its okay Jaime, you're break will come soon.
And then, it'll look more appetising :D
But my life's pretty good as it is,
Sooooooooooooo, I'm happy. :D
for the world to see
♥ 10:17 PM
"and the record keeps playing the same old song"
Hope you had a great day! :D :D :D :D
Seeyou tomorrow!
Told you so, its just a long long long road of hurdles, I just got over the last one!!!!!! We screwed now!
Holy mama all I can say is...Here we go again!
You're right, it'd be horrid to say that. And I take that back. My friends are really important to me and its okay even if I don't get everything, they're all I need. Thanks for helping me realise that. :D
Its been an awfully tiring week, I just wish the weekends were longer.
for the world to see
♥ 7:15 PM
"You were meant to go out and get her (it)"(well honestly, this is what life's getting to look like. One hurdle after another, never ever ending. And the problem is, I'm barely even crossing the first one)
I'm appalled. I can't say anything. I wanna move far far away from here to a dimension where things actually work our properly. Thanks, thanks alot for hiding us away and throwing us into the bin once we're inconvenient. THANKS ALOT.
I really don't understand why this is going on. Screw it, screw this. Wtfreak, its not fair. And so much for teaching us values. Go and screw yourself man.
Well, I'm not giving up. Cause I may not know if that's what I really want, but I do know this comes pretty close. So, I'm not giving up. I'm gonna go out and get it, even if the world is going to swallow me whole, at least I tried. So watch me, you disgusting irresponsible thing.
They say diamonds go through great pain to become what they are. They say humans are alike. If it is so, I hope this is painful enough. I'll work harder and I know I'm determined. So even if you're gonna put a million obstacles in front of me, I'm gonna figure something out.
I hope some
thing intervenes, cause nobody seems to be giving a bloody damn.
(I'm just pissed, I'm okay. I need to say something, somewhere)
// Its been an okay monday I guess. I need to work harder!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I will, right after I get my brain back in place with a swim or a run. Ciao!
for the world to see
♥ 2:21 PM
"gone away, are the golden days"Dear Jaime,
I can't say you didn't see this coming. And I won't say you're new to this. After all, its been like that since primary, secondary and now now. Your mum complains about how your dad works, well, you've not learnt a think from that I see. You're just stupid and retarded, because you're too afraid something will screw up if you actually try to put your foot down. So, you're contended with what happens and you just let it take over. Well, that isn't wrong, but I guess you could do better. But you know, that's your fate I guess. More or less you should be used to it, so I hope you're getting better at this. And I wonder if it'll ever work out the way you want it to. But I doubt. Try as you may, its really the way things are gonna be, for the next millenium at least. Good luck, live with it.
Yours truly,
(At least you have
We're doing waitressing! :D
But I still have tonnes of work to do. I'm tired. And its not the lack of sleep. Its the draining sensation you get after a not quite up to standard week at school. Must be the hangover from the holidays, it'll get over soon right? Everything heals with time!
The secret to happiness is to see all marvels of the world, and never to
forget the drops of oil in the spoon.
The key is to ENJOY while making sure you don't forget the RESPONSIBILITIES. They never said anything about achieving too many jaime. Don't be greedy. It'll work out, you're following your personal legend. It'll work out if you put enough into it :D And I believe you will.
Don't give up don't give up, it'll work out okay! Smile like there're kids around, and think like nothing could ever go wrong. You don't have to have it your way, or the way that benefits you, cause the truly great one waits for the right moment to come out and shake the glitter off, to show what he's really made of.
Okay, now time to get cracking. Test work and more work. Come on come on! :D
for the world to see
♥ 4:40 PM
"take a sad song and make it better"I have decided to blog :D WOW I KNOW!
See, must be like our overseas counterparts who update their blogs regularly, and provide entertainment for all. Good plan jaime, good plan.
Nyeh, term start = little sleep = tired. I want the holidays back, so I can sleep for many many many hours at a time, which is really, most ideal. But oh wells, at least there's the wonderful one three and there's the fact that we get to learn things & HAVE PHARMACEUTICAL CHEM ELECTIVE & MY ASPIRIN CI! (I really like it, I ain't kidding!) So anyway, what's been up is the severe lack of sleep, econs project & tests (sianz, i hate tests D:)
Its not been a very good week. Well its been quite great playing games with charissa and laughing at vivian, and then doing all the funny things we do. Its fun I guess. (OH I LEARNT SOME SOCCER TRICK!) I just really wish SLEEP wouldn't be such a far away concept. Oh wells.
Its been a bad week cause. BERLIN'S BEEN CANCELLED. And now I've to go to Dubai, India or Vietnam. And the worse part is I might not get to go to the country I want to. Which is really kinda sucky. But ah wells, I'm used to it alr, having things not work out the way it should have. So, whatever. And our 25th anniversary thing is in such a mess too. So go figure. Its okay, at least monday is HEADGEAR DAY :D I finally get to wear my hat that's been under the table for like 5 years or something. OH OH OH & there's PE ON MONDAY! I <3 PE! Its where we get to go run around in the field and end up laughing at each other.
Oh wells. As much as I decided that I should be hardworking like elephant, its been a disaster. So, boohoo. Anyway, I'm trying. I'll try harder next time. I'm going off, byebye see you later palzys, i promise I'll try to blog again soon :D Meanwhile, stay happy!
for the world to see