♥ 1:22 PM
"stop and stare"haven't blogged in ages! but didn't feel like blogging. so, NOT MY FAULT.
its been like tough times ahead. with this almost invisible sign which i missed, cause i seem to keep getting pissed/sian, with no warning. but at least, if everything fails i still have my family + 08v13 <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 !
and why is it so wrong for ME to get pissed? she gets pissed all the time, and when i get pissed its like i'm in the wrong wth.
get sian + pissed often, but there's still lotsa happy moments, with my co-pres & our janitor & the rest of our 10 girl gang & the rest of the coolio class with retarded classmates. i know i'll miss y'all super much next year D: oh wells.
even if coming to vj i succeed at nothing, at least i know, i had a great time, and the BEST CLASS EVER. :D :D :D
okay i think i will delete this post, soon. i like my blog empty :D
okay lunch time,
/oh & thank you for always being there, pals! CHAUFFEUR!! :D
// okay whatever.
part 2 part 2:
HAS DISAPPEARED :D, wow, where did it go?
for the world to see
Read me, tag me, love me! :D
Thank you, come again soon.
Pictures of you, Pictures of me
Reminds us all of what we could've been
Before: http://rundance.livejournal.com
PreBefore: http://diaryoftheapples.blogspot.com
the very
unglam jaime
JAIME! and
i'm fourteen(ish) and i am a very happy child. My birthday's on
12th September. I attend the oh so wonderful
Victoria Junior College, where I am enrolled in the
Victoria Integrated Programme. Of which, I'm student of (the bestest & very wonderful)
08v13! And so, we are part of the most fantastic house of
Aquila! I also belong to the fantastic
Cross-country team and the awesome
House comm.
Catholic, and attend the fabulous church of
St. Vincent De Paul (SVDP). I'm in a supercooool ministry known as
Children's Liturgy Youth (CL). And I know, you wish you had a life like mine. :D