prized perception
♥ 12:28 AM
"aren't you glad?"(editted: some parts of this post was deleted)
i'm so tired, i really hope i can survive the whole 2009.
Kia Kaha, Kia Kaha. Don't give up, don't give up.My resolutions for the year are as follows,
(The lucky 8/the 8 ball! :D)
1) Peservere, don't give up & be positive.
2) Love everyone, no matter how much it'll hurt.
3) Take up every challenge that comes, God gives us what we can cope.
4) Work hard, work towards goals, focus.
5) Stay close to God, be kind to myself & others.
6) Mean everything I do, and do it because I want to.
7) Rest, be rested & face everything like i'm brand new.
8) To keep smiling & to really be happy from within.
Tough times enhance easy times & prepare you for even tougher times.
I am a happy kid, Yes I am.
for the world to see
Read me, tag me, love me! :D
Thank you, come again soon.
Pictures of you, Pictures of me
Reminds us all of what we could've been
the very
unglam jaime

JAIME! and
i'm fourteen(ish) and i am a very happy child. My birthday's on
12th September. I attend the oh so wonderful
Victoria Junior College, where I am enrolled in the
Victoria Integrated Programme. Of which, I'm student of (the bestest & very wonderful)
08v13! And so, we are part of the most fantastic house of
Aquila! I also belong to the fantastic
Cross-country team and the awesome
House comm.
Catholic, and attend the fabulous church of
St. Vincent De Paul (SVDP). I'm in a supercooool ministry known as
Children's Liturgy Youth (CL). And I know, you wish you had a life like mine. :D